Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A New Start

Well, I realized that I am very lousey at this blogging jazz and that I want to try and start again. However it is hard for me because I am not married, I dont have kids, and quite frankly I dont have many friends either!! Therefore, I dont have much to write about, but I have decided that I am going to try!!! So Here's to a new blogging beginning!


  1. Yay! I love hearing from you...even if it's Wal*Mart experiences or garbage about the Red Socks! ;)

  2. Okay Stef. even though I am not considered to be your friend because I am only 19 I guess I can still consider you my friend! What I really meant to say was that I dont have any friends that I hang out with or go do things with...ya know what I am sayin?
